Thursday, April 2, 2009

Announced in Milan the 2009 Badminton European Junior Championships

Announced in Milan the 2009 Badminton European Junior Championships

This morning the 2009 Badminton European Junior Championships, due to take place in the Milan Palabadminton from April 3 to 12 2009, have been presented at the Press Centre of Palazzo Marino.

Not only sports and competition but also different collaterals have been dealt with, with particular focus on the opening ceremony in the Badminton-dedicated structure at the Sports Centre XXV Aprile.

FIBa President Alberto Miglietta, the new Sport City Councillor Alan Rizzi, the President of CONI Lombardia Pino Zoppini, the President of the Organising Committee of Milan, European Capital of Sport 2009 Filippo Grassia and the Italian Junior team coach Fabio Morino attended the conference.

The host Alan Rizzi: opened the press meeting. “This sport was born in England, my second country since I was born in London. That’s why I’m even more proud to participate in this sports major event which will contribute making Milan becoming the European Capital of Sport and the restructured fixture of the Sport Centre XXV Aprile will be the pride of our city”.

Pino Zoppini: took then the floor “These championships are not only an elite competition but they are also the occasion for the opening of a federation centre which was unthinkable some years ago.”.

Filippo Grassia echoed these words and declared “sports and political will can make good things in short time . Palabadminton has been strongly wanted not only by the Federation but also by the Olympic Committee and the Institutions and actually it was renovated in only three months

FIBa President Alberto Miglietta took then the flloor: “I would say that we could call these championships the “first time championships’. It is the first time that our sport organises European championships in Italy: It is the first time that the 10 days formula is adopted for competitions.. It is the first time that FIBa feels it has a home, a federal centre in which next August the project London 2012 with the six best athletes living in Milan will start. It is the first time that I, coming from Milan, will organise a badminton event in my city. It has been quite a challenge –Miglietta proudly continues – and we won. Our federation is not very well known but it is very active and I am quite happy to underline that the three millions euro we required have been really well earned’.

After a short video showing badminton and the National Junior team the Italian coach Fabio Morino revealed some curiosity on this sport: “The team is in good shape and our boys and girls are pretty excited. We will be especially watching Giovanni Greco, our top athlete already included in the London 2012 Olympic programme. Our sport is very dynamic and spectacular and some of you may not know that the shuttle, made of 16 goose feathers with a cork basis may overcome 320Km/h speed, about 6/7 time more than a tennis ball! So I invite all of you to come and see what it is about”..

Next randezvous will be Thursday April 2 at 6.30 p.m. for the inaugural ceremony of the Palabadminton and the official opening the Championships with Antonio Rossi and Agnese Allegrini.

Competitions will start on Friday 3 with the qualifying matches of the Team events.