Saturday, January 31, 2009

INDONESIA – Taufik Turns Professional

Taufik Hidayat gave a press conference in Jakarta on Friday to claim his new independance from his National Federation, PB PBSI. The Indonesian shuttler had left PB PBSI once before when he fled to Singapore before returning to his homeland under the tutelage of his coach Mulyo Handoyo. The latter’s turned down the offer of renewal in 2009 by PB PBSI. In a statement that he gave during the press conference in Jakarta, Taufik explained it was a hard decision for him to leave PB PBSI and turn professional, but his reasons are to make way for the younger generation. Taufik hinted that he would continue his career as an independent and professional player and expressed his gratitude to his former employers.
Here is the statement from Taufik :
Jakarta, 30 January 2009

"For the past 12 years i have practiced and played badminton while living at the National Badminton Training Headquarters (Pelatnas) in Cipayung. And during that time PB PBSI (The Indonesian Badminton Association) has provided me with the chance to share happiness and sadness, to experience the exhilaration of winning and the downside of losing. PB PBSI as the highest badminton organization in Indonesia has teach me about many things in life; on solidarity, independence, on what is right and what is wrong, as well as teaching me on having the highest sense of pride as i look up and were able to watch our flag on the highest platform possible many times before, that Winning is an Attitude.

The solidarity and bond that is shared between me and the community in Pelatnas remained the strongest. We have experienced various happy and sad events that people can only possibly dreamed of. That is why, after a long 12 years in Pelatnas, the bond that we share is deeper than that of a working relationship, because we are a part of a dedicated and commited family.

In order to leave the family that i have in Cipayung, is not something that i take lightly, but i’ve reminded myself many times before, that in order a proper regeneration of PB PBSI atheletes would be able to happen smoothly, that is why i have reached one of the most difficult decisions of my life, that is to be apart from the management of PB PBSI, and being a professional badminton player. I’ve reached this decision in hopes that it would be able to push as well as accelerate my juniors progress on court. For they also deserve to be recognized by PB PBSI and to be shown faith of their abilities, like many has shown faith and hope in my abilities. I do hope, that with this huge burden , they would be motivate to be the very best.

If we were to look at my age and the achievements that i have painstakingly achieved, this period could very well be the perfect opportunity for me to further build my career outside Pelatnas. A plan that have been a long time in the making, could finally be realized at the point where my badminton career credibility could only be seen as positive. For we all know and have learned from past experience of our seniors, many were conditioned to resigned as their achievement dwindle little by little, or because of a continued injury. This is why i forced myself to think practically and effective, in order to ensure that the future of my career and also, my family would not be at risk.

But, i do acknowleged the important fact that I’ve come to be what I am now, is owed largely to PB PBSI’s support through out the years. I am sure the gratitude that i speak of for PB PBSI, as they took me under their wings all those years ago, would not be able to fully express the extend of my respect for them. They have been one of the biggest part of my journey through life.

Wherever i may be, i would continue my efforts to fight through badminton for our country, because I Believe, that it is not important “Where” do i fight, but for “Whom” i would always be fighting for, which is the same as PB PBSI’s mission, that is for the good of Indonesia.

For you Indonesia,